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one day i'd travel the world
and with those precious memories
i'd learn to love and live again.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

20080824 舞林大道 Dance Flow

20080907 舞林大道 Dance Flow Fall in Love HQ ver.

20080914 舞林大道 Dance Flow 向Jackson兄妹致敬 HQ ver.

20080921 舞林大道 Dance Flow 不羈樂園 HQ ver.

20080928 舞林大道 Dance Flow 革命 HQ ver.

20081012 舞林大道 Dance Flow Story HQ ver.

"Dance Flow因為有學生參與,無法用週間時間錄影退賽之後,仍將故事主題呈現給支持Dan ce Flow的朋友看,沒燈光沒服裝,但我們用心編完了,希望大家繼續給繼續參賽的所有隊 伍加油,街頭酷,法老與舞姬,台灣龍捲風,iCandy,黑角....一定要更加油喔 ! "

OHMYGOSHNESS. they so rock. totally hope they'll have more shows or something... hahas. LOVE. i especially love their fall in love one. GOSH. and theyre last one. sooo ohmygoodness touching. hahas. LOVELOVELOVE.
words spilled @ 10:08 PM / leave goosebumps here