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one day i'd travel the world
and with those precious memories
i'd learn to love and live again.

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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
the sound of your serenade from the open window.
Friday, December 12, 2008

wow. its been such a long time since i last blogged yeah. hahas. xD. hms. its been bout a month since O's finished? wow thats fast. hahas. hms so far the holidays have been okay... the first two weeks were like TOTALLY busy. like no rest all fun man. not like im complaining. hahas. who CAN complain bout having fun man. hahas. hmms. just went to pay for prom today. looks like theres no turning back now! hahas... wells. going to cruise this sunday. dont really feel anything. but it'll be fun! hahas. YAY. okays... i have no idea what to say now. i think im out of practise. hahas...
words spilled @ 9:43 PM / leave goosebumps here