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one day i'd travel the world
and with those precious memories
i'd learn to love and live again.

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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
the sound of your serenade from the open window.
Sunday, December 28, 2008

oh gawd. im SOO STUFFED. hahas. just got back from grans. had dinner there. we had like prawns and crab and beef curry and... ohmy. it was simply delicious. xD before that went present shopping with kim. it was kinda fun. hahas. i finally bought new eyeliner. im going to try it again. like that girl from the video. AHH. cos i like tried before and it just looked WIERD. hahas. we bought really gorgeous presents for someone too. ooh. soo HAPPY! hahas. yay. hms. i bought body scrub from the body shop too. hahas. cant wait to try it. its papaya! yays. i'll smell like papaya. whoo~ hahas. kay that sounded alittle wierd. hms. had lunch yesterday with the girls. it was their turn to cook for us. hahas. it was delicious. THANK YOU. and LOVE YA LOADS. xD. fudgie died yesterday too... i really miss her. i cried buckets yesterday man. and the stupid vet. cos she as lying on her back. which is something she NEVER does. so obviously something was wrong. and her eyes were open kay. so she wasnt like sleeping or whatever. and she was like breathing really heavily. so we obviously sent her to the vet. but at the vet there was SUCH a long queue kay. like before she could even see the vet she passed away. like come on. its so obvious shes dying. couldnt you see her first. and all those in front were dogs. who sure didnt look dying. come on. theyre jumping and barking dude. dont they like have an emergency queue. or isit cos fudgies a hamster thats why theyre like oh its so small it doesnt matter if it dies. like HEY. ahh. okay that felt good. hahas. to get it out... hms to happier things... oh theres going to be another class chalet. this is like the third man. hahas. but im only gonna be staying for a night. cos theres family stuff on the third day... and we're FINALLY going to be using the new barbeque cum steamboat! whee~ its going to be for 1 jan. new year lunch! yays. cant wait. xD. oh my latest addiction is this new anime miah bought. its some ninja thing. but its quite cool. plus it has english subs! hahas. i gave up on tokyo juliet like after the first disc. i know. im SUCH a failure. hahas. xD okay im gonna try the eyeliner now. i like pure randomosity's eyeliner vid on youtube. hahas. we'll see how it goes. wish me luck. XD
words spilled @ 9:36 PM / leave goosebumps here