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one day i'd travel the world
and with those precious memories
i'd learn to love and live again.

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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
the sound of your serenade from the open window.
Thursday, December 18, 2008

im back from cruise! whoots! it was totally fun. YAYS. plus i ate like a PIG. xD but its like soo not my fault kay... the food was soo good. plus its all free right... didnt want it to go to waste yeah. hahas. xD on the ship it was fun. we went to explore practically every speck of the ship. it was soo fun. i especially loved the helipad. it was like right at the top (DUH). and it was always windy. especially at night. hahas. too bad bout the shopping though. shopped a little at peneng but didnt really get to shop much a phuket. PITY. cos like when we reached phuket. like HALFWAY. miah fell ILL. of all the luck man. so we had to cut it short. bout loads of food stuff though. hahas. like all the biscuits and 'traditional?' food stuff. but it was altogether good... yeah man. hahas. like all the songs lately have been all like LOVE and all. hahas. i dunno. kinda feeling lovey... hahas. i know love song by taylor swift is like already so talked about and all. like peoples been raving bout it. but i only realised how awesome it is today. like REALLY REALLY listened. and it rocks dude. and i like the jj song too. its soo sweet... and sad. its like everytime i hear that song i get all teary and stuff. WIERD. i know. hahas. im like a freak man. whooo. so excited! tmr im FINALLY gonna get to watch twilight! WHOOTS! hahas. re-read twilight aboard the cruise. and now im totally falling in love with it ALL OVER AGAIN!! hahas. xD. okay i cheated a little winny bit. i caught a little of the movie. like only the start online. but . WHOO. i just couldnt stand it kay. i just had to peek. but then there was something wrong so i couldnt watch it finish and all. i tell you. its fate. im like fated to watch it tmr. hahas. xP. ya know. i made alot of commitments in the holls. like exercise everyday and stuff. but ive only been exercising like once or twice a week. BAD. i have totally no commitment and determination man. im so dissapointed in me. yeah me. you hear that. im dissapointed in me. GAWD. im going bonkers. im like talking to myself... hahas. who cares. im a freak already yeah. no biggy. hahas. just another freak habit. hahas. xD. oh yeah. i FINALLY cut bangs. but they kinda look wierd. hahas. i went to the hair dresser. and he cut for me this two snips. and it was like i had ET antennas or something. plus i had to pay 3 bucks for that. i think he was pissed cos he asked kay what ya wanna cut. and i was like just the fringe. and he was like okay... and the 'youre totally wasting my time' face came on. he was like done in a minute man. so i cut my own bangs. they dont look half that bad. i watched some 'cut your own bangs' vids. i know. WIERD. but hey i didnt want to make a mistake kay. itd be a least a month before id outgrow any mistakes. and hey presto. i did it. but my bro says its not enough. like i should go cut more it thicker. plus i didnt cut short enough. so sometimes it kinda gets in my eyes... maybe i'll go visit another hairdresser and ask him to do it RIGHT. you think. anyways i dont think i look half that bad with bangs. it makes my face look smaller. hahas. hmms... its almost christmas! GAWD. how time flies. it was like just yesterday i finished 'o's and now its like christmas. GAWD. hahas. talking bout christmas... in the morning i was like totally in a BAD FOUL mood. first i had to wake up early to go for music class. then i was FORCED to go to church to help out with our christmas event. i like just came back last night man. im like totally tired dude. cant anyone see that. okay. to be fair its not like i totally dreaded going to church and the music thing was arranged like LONG AGO. but what pissed me off is that my dad PROMISED the peeps that i go to church and help WITHOUT asking me. the whole getting up early thing didnt help either. plus my passport got churned out of the washing machine. literally. THAT totally did not help. it came out in shreds kay. im sure i took out everything from my pocket. it must have been miah. i kinda remember asking him to help me safe keep. of all the idiot things to ask. okay. out of point. yeah i mean im just pissed he didnt ask me and expected me to go. what if i had plans or something. DUDE. so not happy. anyways. kinda recovered now. and the church thing wasnt all that bad... i think its the dinner though. hahas. food = happy. hahas. YAYS. gotta go wash the dishes now. GAWD. my life sucks...
words spilled @ 10:16 PM / leave goosebumps here