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one day i'd travel the world
and with those precious memories
i'd learn to love and live again.

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1366 x 768 screen resolution

Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
the sound of your serenade from the open window.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

just came back from ECP. hahas. went biking there. man do my legs ache now. its been too long. TOO LONG. since i last biked. hahas. went there for family outing. supposed to go to macs for lunch but guess what. POWER FAILURE. like with all the luck dude! hahas. xD so in the end had a presto chicken sandwich at mccafe. it was pretty good. so i guess the the power failure was like a good thing hahas.
words spilled @ 5:54 PM / leave goosebumps here